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12 Perfect Icebreakers for Your Large Virtual Team

December 23, 2023
A large work team at a cocktail happy hour talking to each other

The challenge of fostering a cohesive and productive team environment is more prominent than ever, especially in today’s work environment where a growing number of team members are working remotely. Virtual icebreakers, when used well, can be pivotal in helping to build rapport and trust within large virtual teams. They can help lay the foundation for building a great team dynamic that gets team members to feel comfortable with each other, engage openly, share ideas, and collaborate effectively.

In this article, we'll dive into 12 innovative virtual icebreaker ideas that work especially well for large virtual teams. These icebreakers are not only fun and engaging but also designed to enhance team cohesion, communication, and collaboration in a remote work setting. We will discuss the objectives, setup, and execution of each icebreaker, providing you with practical ideas on how to implement each icebreaker within your virtual team. The importance of engaging in regular virtual team building exercises to boost team morale and productivity is hard to overstate, as it helps ensure that your team not only remains connected but also thrives in this era of remote work.

Virtual team communicating well with each other during an online meeting

1. Virtual Team Trivia

Virtual Team Trivia is an engaging virtual icebreaker designed to enhance remote team bonding and collaboration. This activity involves organizing a trivia session that asks questions based on interesting facts about team members that are also artfully combined with relevant industry information. This strategic approach to trivia makes virtual team building feel more personal while at the same time elevating the team’s knowledge of your industry.

Objective: The primary goal of Virtual Team Trivia is to build a sense of camaraderie by highlighting the diverse backgrounds and unique skills of your team members. It’s an engaging way to let your team show off their knowledge and experience in a fun competitive way. It's also a great way to keep everyone informed about trends happening in your industry.

Setup & Execution: To get Virtual Team Trivia up and running, first pick a video conference platform that works well for the size of your team and is easy to use. Before the trivia game, come up with a bunch of fun ice breaker questions. Mix in some cool, little-known facts about your team members (which you can find out with a quick survey before the event) with some questions about your industry to keep things interesting and informative.

Split your team into smaller groups to create a cozy and competitive vibe. If your platform has breakout rooms, they're perfect for this. Add a simple scoring system to ramp up the competition and keep everyone engaged – something like points for each correct answer works great.

Make sure the trivia game is fun and interactive, and everyone gets a turn. It might be helpful to have someone lead the game to keep things moving smoothly. The main aim is to make each team member feel involved and important, transforming an ordinary day of remote work into a chance for real connection and team building.

Two teams playing TV trivia against each other
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2. Two Truths and a Lie

"Two Truths and a Lie" is a well-loved virtual icebreaker that works great for getting virtual teams chatting and laughing. Here's how it goes: everyone on the team shares two true things about themselves and one made-up thing. Then, the fun part – everyone else tries to guess which one is the lie. It's a playful way to spice up your virtual games and a cool chance for everyone to share a bit about themselves in a really interesting way.

Objective: The main aim of this virtual icebreaker is to get team members really listening to each other. It's a great way to go beyond the usual work chat and get to know one another on a different level. The fun of everyone trying to figure out the lies and uncover the truths actually helps build stronger personal connections and brings the team closer together.

Setup & Execution: To run "Two Truths and a Lie" online, start by setting up a video call using a trusted virtual meeting tool. Make sure everyone on your team can access it and knows how to use it. When the video conference kicks off, let each person take a turn in sharing their two truths and one lie. They can say it out loud or type it into a shared document – whatever works best for your virtual team.

Once everyone's had their turn, it's guessing time. The team can vote on which statement they think is false. This could be a simple show of hands, using the poll feature in your meeting software, or just calling out guesses. After the team makes their guesses, the person reveals which statement was not true.

To keep things smooth and fun, think about having a moderator. This person can help move the conversation along and make sure everyone gets a chance to speak. They can also keep score if you want to add a little competitive twist. The most important thing is to keep the mood upbeat and welcoming, so everyone feels at ease in joining in and sharing. This activity is a fantastic addition to virtual team building, making it easy and enjoyable to connect.

Friends playing the game 'Two Truths and a Lie'

3. Virtual Office Tour

The 'Virtual Office Tour' is a fresh and fun virtual icebreaker made for remote teams. Everyone gets a chance to give a quick video tour of their home office or workspace. But it's more than just showing off your desk, it’s more like opening a little window into your personal space – the place where all the creativity and hard work happen. This activity brings a personal, human element to the online work environment, letting team members share a slice of their life that's usually just off-screen.

Objective: The main goal of the Virtual Office Tour, a standout among virtual team icebreakers, is to make working remotely feel more personal and help everyone on the team feel closer to each other. When team members show off their own workspaces, it gives them a chance to share a little about themselves – their style, what they like, and how they work. This helps everyone feel more connected, understand and appreciate what each person's day-to-day work life is like. This level of engagement can lead to building more empathy and better teamwork, especially if everyone is working from different locations.

Setup & Execution: To get started with a Virtual Office Tour, one of the more interactive virtual icebreakers, set up a video call on a platform everyone can use easily. Make sure each team member has a good internet connection so everything goes smoothly. On the call, give each person a set amount of time to be in the spotlight and show off their space.

Encourage everyone to give a tour of where they work, including their desk, computer, and any gadgets they use every day. It’s also great if they can share any personal touches they've added to their workspace, like plants, art, or special equipment. Hearing the stories behind these items can give everyone a better sense of each other's personalities and interests.

If you've got a big team, you might want to split the tours across a few meetings or break into smaller groups. This way, everyone gets a turn without the meeting dragging on too long. The most important thing is to keep things light and friendly, so everyone feels comfortable sharing their space. This isn’t just a virtual icebreaker game meant to get your team going, it’s about molding your remote work culture to create a sense of togetherness and community.

Two people showing each other photos on their phones

4. Photo Sharing Challenge

The Photo Sharing Challenge is a warm and fun online icebreaker to get to know your remote team better. In this activity, everyone picks a personal photo to show the group and tells the story behind it. It could be a picture from a great vacation, a family event, a favorite pet, or any other meaningful moment. What's great about this is that it lets everyone share their personal stories and experiences, helping the team connect on a level that goes beyond the normal work talk.

Objective: The main goal of the Photo Sharing Challenge, an effective icebreaker, is to help team members form stronger personal bonds and get to know each other better. This virtual icebreaker takes things a step further than the usual chats and small talk that often happen in virtual meetings. When everyone shares the stories and memories linked to their photos, it opens up new ways to understand and relate to each other better. This can really strengthen the team's sense of togetherness and support, which really helps team’s work better together.

Setup & Execution: To do the Photo Sharing Challenge, first start by setting up a video call on a reliable virtual meeting platform. Make sure everyone knows how to use the platform, especially how to share their screen. Before the meeting, have each team member pick out a personal photo and think about the story they'd like to share about it.

When you're on the call, let each person take turns showing their photo by sharing their screen. As they show their photo, they can talk about why it's special to them. Encourage the rest of the team to ask questions or share their reactions, making it a lively and interactive chat.

If your team is really large, you might want to break out into smaller groups or plan a few different sessions so everyone gets a turn. The most important thing is to create a friendly and supportive environment where everyone feels at ease sharing a little piece of their life. This activity is a great way to warm up the group and really strengthen the sense of team.

Image of a large bingo hall

5. Remote Work Bingo

Remote Work Bingo is a fun and inventive virtual icebreaker just right for virtual teams. In this game, you create a bingo card filled with typical remote work moments and mishaps. Think of things like your pet popping into your video call or accidentally hitting the mute button during a meeting. It turns all those everyday remote work situations into a playful and lively game. It's a great way for the team to bond and have a good laugh together over the things everyone experiences while working from home.

Objective: The main aim of Remote Work Bingo is to keep things light and help everyone on the team feel like they’re in it together. By playfully pointing out the funny little things and challenges that come with remote work, this game really helps everyone relax and understand each other better. It's an awesome way to get rid of any awkwardness and get team members to connect over the shared ups and downs of working from home. This not only brings the team closer but also boosts overall team spirit and engagement from a virtual workspace.

Setup & Execution: Setting up Remote Work Bingo is pretty easy and fun. First, create bingo cards with different remote work situations and little mishaps – you can use simple online tools or a spreadsheet to do this. Make sure each card is different and then send them out to your team members before your online meeting.

In the meeting, call out the different scenarios on the bingo cards one at a time. If someone has experienced what you mention, they mark it off on their card. The first person to get a full line – up, down, or diagonal – and calls out “Bingo!” wins. You might want to have a small prize or give a shout-out to the winner to make it even more exciting.

Encourage everyone to share their stories and laughs when you call out each item. If someone has a funny story about that situation, let them tell it. This makes the game more than just ticking boxes – it turns it into a fun, shared experience that everyone will enjoy.

Remote Work Bingo is a great way to start a team meeting. It brings everyone together with some smiles and sets a happy, relaxed tone for the rest of the meeting. It's a fantastic online icebreaker that keeps the team feeling connected and in high spirits.

Team enjoying a virtual coffee break

6. Virtual Coffee Breaks

Virtual Coffee Breaks are an easy and great way to get remote teams mingling. Just like grabbing a coffee together in an office, these are casual online meet-ups where team members can unwind and chat about anything but work. While these activities are ideally set up for small groups to foster a cozy and friendly environment for relaxed conversations, you can easily adapt them for larger teams. Simply divide your big group into smaller teams and rotate them, ensuring everyone gets a chance to interact in these more intimate settings, perfect for getting to know each other better.

Objective: The main goal of Virtual Coffee Breaks is to boost those casual chats and connections that tend to get lost when everyone's working remotely. These laid-back conversations are key to building stronger bonds within the team. They help create a feeling of togetherness and belonging. By giving team members a chance to talk about non-work stuff, share what they're into, and really get to know each other, these coffee breaks play a big part in bringing the team closer and making teamwork smoother and more effective.

Setup & Execution: Setting up Virtual Coffee Breaks is pretty straightforward. First, figure out a regular time that suits most of your team – it could be every day or a couple of times a week. Then, choose a virtual meeting platform that everyone's comfortable using.

Split your team into small, cozy groups for each coffee break. You can mix up these groups randomly or plan them out, so over time, everyone gets to chat with different people. This keeps the conversations fresh and stops any cliques from forming.

Encourage everyone to grab their favorite coffee or tea and find a comfy spot to relax. Keep the chat easy and away from work topics. Anything goes, really – hobbies, what's in the news, fun personal stories, or celebrating little wins.

It's a good idea to have someone in charge of these coffee breaks, whether it's one person or a role that gets passed around. They can keep track of the schedule, send out reminders, and even throw out some conversation ideas to get things going.

Virtual Coffee Breaks are a great way to make remote work feel more connected and less formal. They're key to building a team that's supportive and engaged, where everyone feels like they're a valued part of the group.

Person performing at a talent show

7. Skill-Sharing Sessions

Skill-Sharing Sessions are a creative and informative way to strengthen your virtual team. In these sessions, each team member gets a turn to lead a short presentation about a skill or topic they're really good at or passionate about. This can be anything from work-related skills to personal hobbies. The cool part is that everyone gets to share their unique talents and knowledge, making each person both a teacher and a learner at different times. It's a great way to make the most of the varied skills and experiences within your team.

Objective: The aim of a Skill-Sharing Sessions is to create an environment where learning and respecting each other's skills is a big part of the team culture. These sessions are more than just a chance to swap knowledge, they're a way for everyone to see and appreciate the different talents each person brings to the team. This really helps improve how the team works together. When everyone feels valued and involved, it leads to a more welcoming and cooperative atmosphere at work.

Setup & Execution: Setting up a Skill-Sharing Sessions is pretty straightforward. Begin by planning a bunch of short, relaxed skills presentation sessions. You can add these to your regular team meetings or set them up as a special series. Ask for volunteers who'd like to lead a session on something they're really into or know a lot about. Make sure the topics are varied and will catch the whole team's interest.

Give some guidelines on how long each presentation should be to keep them to the point and interesting. Encourage people to use things like slides, demos, or any interactive bits to spice up their presentations. Also, make sure there's time for questions and chats after each presentation, so everyone can get involved.

Get the word out to your team to drum up excitement and get more people to join in. You might want to set up a schedule so everyone who wants to lead a session gets a chance. Keep an eye on what topics are covered and get feedback to keep improving these sessions.

Skill-Sharing Sessions are more than just a way to learn cool stuff; they're a key part of managing a remote team. They boost involvement, give everyone a sense of achievement, and help build a strong, connected team culture. This way of building your virtual team can really make a difference in how your team works together and keeps everyone keen on learning.

Photo shoot with people from different cultural backgrounds

8. Cultural Exchange

Cultural Exchange is a great icebreaker for remote team members, especially those with members from all around the world. In this activity, everyone gets to share cool things about their culture or country. It could be fun facts, traditional foods, music, clothing, or even a mini-language lesson. The best part about this activity is how it celebrates the different backgrounds of each team member. It turns these cultural differences into chances to learn from each other and connect in new ways.

Objective: The main goal of Cultural Exchange is to embrace the diversity of the team and boost everyone's understanding of different cultures. This activity is all about getting team members to share insights about their own cultures, which creates a welcoming and respectful space for everyone. It's really good at knocking down any cultural misunderstandings or stereotypes and builds a stronger sense of empathy and teamwork among people from various backgrounds. This is super important for creating a united and friendly virtual team environment.

Setup & Execution: Setting up a Cultural Exchange session is easy. Begin by planning a virtual meeting on a platform everyone knows and can use easily. Let your team know about the activity and what you hope to achieve with it, and ask for volunteers who'd like to share something about their culture. Encourage them to get creative with their presentations – they can use slides, videos, music, or even do a live demo.

Give each presentation a set time limit to keep the session lively and to the point. In the meeting, everyone gets a turn to present, and then there's a little Q&A time where others can ask questions or share their thoughts.

To make it even more engaging, think about adding quizzes or polls about the cultures being presented. This not only makes it more fun but also helps everyone remember what they've learned.

Cultural Exchange sessions are a great opportunity for team members to share interesting facts about themselves. They help build a virtual team that's more understanding, empathetic, and united. This is especially important in international teams, where being aware of and sensitive to different cultures plays a big part in working well together.

Group of friends playing an escape room game

9. Virtual Escape Room Challenge

The Virtual Escape Room Challenge is a thrilling and interactive way for virtual teams to boost their teamwork. In this fun activity, everyone gets together in a digital escape room. They have to work as a team to solve puzzles, hunt for clues, and overcome challenges to 'escape' before time runs out. It's a step up from your usual icebreakers, providing an immersive experience that really puts your team's problem-solving and collaboration skills to the test.

Objective: The main aim of the Virtual Escape Room Challenge is to improve how the team solves problems and works together, especially when there's a bit of pressure. It gets team members talking, thinking smart, and pulling together to reach a shared goal. This is really useful for remote teams because it mirrors the kind of tight situations and teamwork they might face in their day-to-day work. It's a great way to get everyone ready to tackle challenges more effectively.

Setup & Execution: Setting up the Virtual Escape Room Challenge is pretty straightforward. First, look around and pick an online escape room provider that offers themes and levels of difficulty that suit your team's interests and skills. Once you find the right one, book a session at a time that works for everyone.

Then, split your team into smaller groups. You can either decide these groups beforehand or make them random. Smaller groups are great because they give everyone a chance to get involved and play their part.

On the day of the challenge, make sure everyone has the login details and any necessary software. During the challenge, each group will work together in their own virtual 'room'. They'll communicate either through the platform's chat feature or another way, like a conference call, to work through the clues and puzzles.

After it's all done, it's a good idea to have a catch-up where everyone can talk about how it went, what strategies they used, and what they learned about working together when the pressure's on. This discussion can be really insightful, helping you understand more about how your team works together and where you can improve.

The Virtual Escape Room Challenge is more than just a fun break. It's a key part of building a strong remote team, getting everyone thinking critically, working closely together, and communicating well. It's a great way to help your team become more united, involved, and effective, even when they're all working from different places.

Man giving a PowerPoint presentation

10. 'A Day in My Life' Presentations

'A Day in My Life' Presentations is a really interesting and engaging way to break the ice with your team. It gives everyone a chance to share what their regular workday looks like while working remotely. Each person puts together a short presentation or video, giving a tour of their daily routine, talking about the challenges they come across, and sharing the best parts of their day. This activity is great because it lets everyone see more than just the usual work interactions. It offers a deeper look into what each team member's day is like, their workspace, and what they're responsible for.

Objective: The main goal of 'A Day in My Life' Presentations is to help team members understand and empathize with each other's daily work life and challenges. When everyone shares what their day typically looks like, it sheds light on the different ways people work, the hurdles they face, and their wins. This kind of sharing helps the team to really get where each other is coming from, which boosts empathy and support. In turn, this leads to better teamwork and a stronger sense of unity in the remote working environment.

Setup & Execution: To get 'A Day in My Life' Presentations going, first explain the concept to your team and give them a clear idea of what to include in their presentations. Encourage everyone to get creative and really show their true selves. They can use slides, make a video, or even do a live tour of their workspace to make it more interesting.

Set a specific time for each presentation to make sure the session stays on track and keeps everyone engaged. If you have a lot of team members, you might want to spread the presentations over a few meetings. This way, everyone gets a chance to share without cramming too much into one session.

During the meeting, let each person have their turn to do their 'A Day in My Life' presentation. After each one, have a little time for questions and discussions so everyone can comment or ask things.

These presentations are more than just a way to break the ice. They're really helpful in managing a remote team. They create an environment where everyone understands and supports each other better, making everyone feel acknowledged and important. This activity is especially good for improving how the team works together and building a positive, inclusive atmosphere in the remote workplace.

Woman flying on vacation

11. Fantasy Vacation Planning

Fantasy Vacation Planning is a fun and creative icebreaker, perfect for remote team members. In this activity, you get to plan an imaginary dream vacation. This means picking out cool destinations, exciting activities, and even where you'd stay – but it's all just for fun, so the sky's the limit on creativity. It's a great way for everyone to work together, think creatively, and have a blast imagining the perfect getaway.

Objective: The main goal of Fantasy Vacation Planning is to spark creativity and get team members working together in a fun way. It's also a chance for everyone to share their likes and hobbies, which you might not usually hear about in everyday work chats. By talking about different vacation spots and activities, team members get to connect over things they both like and even find out new, interesting stuff about each other. This really helps bring the team closer and keeps everyone involved and interested.

Setup & Execution: Kicking off Fantasy Vacation Planning is easy. Split your team into smaller groups, either at random or let them pick their own, whatever suits your team's style. Give each group a pretend budget for their trip to make it feel a bit more real and to get those strategic juices flowing.

Next, each group gets together to dream up their ideal vacation. They'll pick a place, plan out fun activities, choose where they'd stay, and they can even think about what they'd like to eat. Encourage them to really dive into the details and get creative. They can look up stuff online to help shape their fantasy trip.

After the groups have their plans all set, organize a virtual meeting for them to share their vacation ideas with everyone. Let each group have the same amount of time to present their dream vacation, talking about their choices and what they're most excited about. Make sure there's a chance for everyone watching to ask questions and chat about the ideas.

This isn't just a break from work – it's a cool way to work on teamwork and communication in a fun, laid-back setting. Fantasy Vacation Planning is a fantastic icebreaker for virtual teams, sparking creativity and team spirit. It's a great addition to your remote team building, bringing a wave of fresh energy and togetherness to the group.

Woman writing in a personal diary

12. Personal Goal Sharing

Personal Goal Sharing is a great activity that really motivates and brings virtual teams closer. In this exercise, everyone gets to talk about a goal they're working on, whether it's about growing their skills, moving up in their career, or even personal stuff like hobbies or health goals. This gives everyone a chance to share what they're passionate about and what drives them, helping to build stronger, more personal connections among team members.

Objective: The main aim of Personal Goal Sharing is to create a team atmosphere that's really supportive and uplifting. When team members talk about their goals, they can really inspire and cheer each other on. It's also a chance for everyone to get a sense of the different goals and passions within the team. This helps build a sense of community where everyone feels valued and supported, not just in their work roles but in their personal growth journeys too.

Setup & Execution: To get Personal Goal Sharing going, set up a special virtual meeting just for this. Let your team know what the meeting is all about and encourage them to think of a goal they're really into and would like to share.

In the meeting, let everyone have a turn to talk about their goal. Going round-robin style works well to make sure each person gets a chance to speak. Ask them to share why this goal matters to them and how they plan to achieve it.

Once everyone's had their turn, open up the conversation. This is a great time for team members to offer each other feedback, advice, or even share stories if they've chased similar goals. Talk about ways you can all support each other in reaching these goals, like sharing resources, giving advice, or pairing up as accountability buddies.

Personal Goal Sharing is a fantastic way to break the ice and do so much more. It really improves how your team works together, creating a work culture that's both supportive and positive. This is especially valuable in remote teams, where it's easy for personal connections to take a backseat to work. It's a big help in building a team that's not just more united and understanding but also more driven, which is key for long-lasting success when everyone's working remotely.

A happy virtual team during an online meeting


For those leading or managing remote teams, it's really important to tweak these activities to fit how your team works. Every team has its own vibe and way of interacting, so don't hesitate to change these ideas to match what your team likes and needs. It could be making the Virtual Escape Room Challenge a bit easier or changing how you do the Cultural Exchange. Tailoring these activities is key to keeping everyone involved and making the most of them.

What's really important is making these team-building exercises a regular thing. Mixing up the usual work routine not only gives team members a boost but also makes them feel more like they're part of the team. It opens up communication, builds respect, and leads to a more cooperative and friendly work environment.

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