17 Fun Virtual Games To Get To Know Your Coworkers

December 24, 2023
Workers standing by an office watercooler in conversation

In the changing world of work, where many team members now work remotely or are balancing time between the office and home, building a close-knit team can be a challenge. The casual chats by the coffee machine or quick catch-ups in the conference room are harder to come by. This is where virtual team building really steps up.

These virtual games and team building exercises come in all shapes and sizes. Some are quick and easy to do, taking just a few minutes, while others are more detailed and involved. In this article, we’ll look at 17 fun virtual games that are made to fit everyone, making sure everyone from the quiet thinkers to the more vocal team leaders can join in and feel a part of it. The aim is to turn a group of team members working from different places into a united, cooperative, and well-connected virtual team.

Group of friends playing a board game

The Value of Virtual Games in Team Building

In today’s world, where many teams work remotely or in a mix of office and home settings, virtual games have become a more significant key to building strong teams. Virtual games are great because they let team members connect with each other easily in a fun and engaging way, online.

Games offer a less formal way for team members to share their personalities, working styles, and what they're interested in. For example, when someone tells a funny story during an icebreaker, or comes up with a strategy in a trivia game, it gives everyone a glimpse into who they are. These moments help build understanding and teamwork, which are crucial for a successful team.

Virtual team building is also great for encouraging more casual team chats, which is important but often an overlooked goal in remote work settings. When regular office interactions aren’t possible, games can provide a way for team members to talk about non-work stuff, like what’s going on in their lives, interesting things about themselves, or fun stories they’d like to share. This kind of relaxed conversation helps build trust and a sense of togetherness, and it’s also great for improving employee engagement.

Team playing quiz game

1. Virtual Ice Breaker Quiz

The Virtual Ice Breaker Quiz is a fun and engaging way to learn more about your team. This is a great icebreaker game that involves asking a series of questions to help uncover interesting things about each person's hobbies, interests, and even unique traits. It's a great way to get to know the person behind the professional role.

Objective: The main goal of this game is to encourage team members to share more about their life outside of work and to create a friendly and welcoming team atmosphere. This is especially helpful with remote teams where team members don't get to meet in person often. The quiz acts as a way to connect everyone in an enjoyable manner.

How to Set It Up: Setting up is easy. Use an online survey tool to create the quiz, then send it to your team. Once everyone has submitted their answers, have a video call to talk about the responses. The chat should be more than just a follow-up, it gives team members an opportunity to explore their answers more deeply, leading to conversations that might not naturally happen during regular work hours.

Why It Works: The Virtual Ice Breaker Quiz is great because it's simple but effective. It helps create personal connections as team members get to see sides of each other they might not usually see at work. It breaks down the formalities normally found on remote teams and opens up a channel for easy and open communication. This helps build a team culture that's cooperative and engaging.

Woman playing hide and seek game
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2. Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is a classic game with a fun twist. Each person on the team shares three things about themselves: two are true, and one is made up. The rest of the team has to guess which one is the lie. This game is a really engaging way to learn surprising and interesting things about each other.

Objective: The main purpose of this game is to add some fun to getting to know your team. It gets people to share personal stories and experiences that don't usually come up in everyday work chats. This game is great for letting coworkers show their more personal side, helping everyone to understand and connect with each other better.

How to Set It Up: It's really easy to start this game. Just arrange a video call with your team. Once everyone's online, each person shares their three statements, and the others guess which one is the lie. This often leads to fun conversations and lots of laughs.

Why It Works: Two Truths and a Lie is perfect for virtual teams because it sparks curiosity, which is key to building strong relationships. It gets team members more interested in learning about each other, which helps strengthen the team's bond. Plus, the surprise element when the lie is revealed often leads to funny and memorable moments. This helps break down the usual formalities in remote teams, making everyone feel more connected and part of a trusting, friendly team environment.

Map of an escape room

3. Online Escape Room Challenge

The Online Escape Room Challenge is an exciting virtual team building game. In this game, team members work together in a digital room full of puzzles and mysteries. The task is to solve these clues and riddles as a team to 'escape' the room before time runs out. This digital adventure is both challenging and fun, making it a great way to bring teams closer together.

Objective: The main goal of this game is to improve problem-solving and teamwork. Team members need to communicate well and work together to solve the puzzles. This not only sharpens their problem-solving skills but also teaches them how to collaborate effectively, especially under pressure. These are really important skills in any kind of work.

How to Set It Up: Starting this game is straightforward. First, pick an online escape room provider – there are many with different themes and difficulty levels. Once you find one that fits your team, book a session. Most providers help you set everything up and tailor the experience to your team’s size and what level of challenge you want.

Why It Works: The Online Escape Room Challenge is more than just a game. It mirrors the kind of teamwork, clear communication, and thinking needed in the workplace. By working through this virtual challenge together, team members get a better understanding of how each person thinks and communicates. This is really important for teams that work remotely, where clear communication is essential. Completing the challenge together also brings a sense of shared success, which is great for strengthening team bonds and a valuable virtual team building activity.

Team on a scavenger hunt

4. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

A Virtual Scavenger Hunt is a fun and creative activity perfect for remote teams. In this game, everyone gets a list of items or tasks to find or do in their own space. This might be finding an old toy or sharing a favorite book. It’s a playful way for team members to show parts of their personalities and lives.

Objective: The goal is twofold. First, it encourages creativity as team members think differently to find or do the things on the list. Second, it’s great for sharing personal stories. As team members show their items or talk about completing the tasks, they get to share a bit of their personal lives which helps everyone feel more connected.

How to Set It Up: Make a list of items or tasks and send it to your team. You can use a group chat for updates or have a video call where everyone shares what they found or did. This makes the game more interactive and visually engaging.

Why It Works: Virtual Scavenger Hunt works well because it uses team members’ creativity and gives a peek into their personal spaces. This is really useful in remote work, where it’s easy to feel disconnected. Sharing personal things helps build understanding and a sense of team. The game can be changed to fit different team sizes and preferences, making it good for all kinds of remote teams.

Group drawing figures

5. Remote Pictionary

Remote Pictionary adds a digital twist to the well-known drawing game. In this online version, team members take turns drawing a word or phrase, while the others guess what it is. It’s not just about how good you can draw; it’s about how well you can communicate an idea with simple sketches. This makes the game both fun and engaging for everyone.

Objective: The main purpose of Remote Pictionary is to improve how the team communicates in a fun, hands-on way. It gets everyone thinking creatively about how to visually represent their thoughts and ideas. This lighthearted way of interacting can lead to lots of laughs and a more relaxed team atmosphere.

How to Set It Up: It’s easy to get a game of Remote Pictionary going. First, pick an online tool or platform where you can draw and share in real time. Then, split your team into smaller groups or pairs. Arrange a time for a virtual meeting where each group or person will draw and the others will guess. To keep things smooth, you might want to have a game moderator or use a tool that picks drawing prompts randomly.

Why It Works: Remote Pictionary is great for team building because it combines friendly competition with creative communication. Trying to express ideas through drawings is fun and pushes everyone to think differently. This not only boosts their communication skills but also brings in fun and laughter, important for a strong, united team. Plus, in remote work where you don’t meet face-to-face much, a game like Pictionary adds a visual and engaging aspect, helping everyone feel more connected and upbeat.

Group of people sitting on the floor telling stories

6. Storytelling Round-Robin

Storytelling Round-Robin is a creative and team building game where each person adds to a story, one line at a time. The story starts with a simple prompt and grows in fun and unexpected ways with each new line. It’s an excellent team building activity to see the different creative ideas each team member brings.

Objective: The main goal of this activity is to boost creativity and improve listening skills. As the story goes on, each person needs to listen carefully and think quickly to add their part. This tests not only their creativity but also how well they can follow and build on what others have said.

How to Set It Up: Start by setting up a video call with your team. Begin with an interesting prompt to start the story – it could be anything from a mysterious opening line to a funny situation. Then let each team member add their line, going around the virtual room. You can do a few rounds or set a time limit to keep the story short and lively.

Why It Works: Storytelling Round-Robin is great for team building because it encourages everyone to work together and listen to each other. As each person adds to the story, they need to pay attention to what was said before to keep the story flowing. This improves listening and collaboration, important skills in any team. Also, this game lets team members be creative in a relaxed setting, offering a nice change from regular work tasks. In remote teams, it creates a feeling of togetherness and shared fun, which is key to building strong team spirit.

TV game show

7. Virtual Office Trivia

Virtual Office Trivia is a fun and interactive game where team members answer questions about their workplace and each other. The questions can be about anything from the company’s history and products to fun personal facts about the team. It’s a great way to get everyone involved and laughing together.

Objective: The aim of Virtual Office Trivia is to bring the team closer through shared knowledge. It’s a chance for everyone to learn more about the company and each other in a fun setting. This shared experience of learning and laughing together really helps strengthen the team’s bond.

How to Set It Up: It’s easy to get started with Virtual Office Trivia. First, pick an online quiz platform that has the features you need. Many of these platforms let you customize your quiz. Then, create a mix of questions about the company and fun personal questions about the team. Once you’re ready, invite everyone to a virtual meeting to play the quiz, either individually or in small groups.

Why It Works: Virtual Office Trivia is a great team building game because it mixes learning with fun. Answering questions about work and colleagues in a game setting is enjoyable and helps everyone feel more connected to the company and each other. The competitive aspect makes it exciting, perfect for relaxing and bonding as a team. Plus, because everyone gets to take part, it builds a sense of inclusion and teamwork.

People taking a test

8. Personality Quizzes

Personality Quizzes are a great way for teams to learn about each other. These can be formal tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or fun online quizzes. The goal is to find out about the different personality types in your team and see how these traits work together in the office.

Objective: The main purpose is to get a better grasp of how the team works together. By understanding everyone’s personality types, team members can learn about each other's work styles, how they communicate, and what roles they might be best suited for. This can lead to better teamwork, as people learn the best ways to interact and support each other’s strengths and preferences.

How to Set It Up: Pick a personality test that fits your team's needs. There are plenty of options online, both free and for a fee. After everyone has taken the test, have a group call to talk about the results. Keep the discussion open and relaxed, focusing on how each personality type can contribute positively to the team’s work.

Why It Works: Personality Quizzes are a great tool for team building. They encourage open discussions about how everyone works and what they prefer, without any tension. Getting to know the variety of personalities in a team can be really enlightening. It helps build a more cohesive and effective working environment. Team members start to value their differences, seeing them as strengths. This is especially helpful in remote teams, where understanding each other can be tougher without regular face-to-face interactions. These quizzes can really help bridge that gap.

Lady singing at karaoke bar

9. Virtual Talent Show

The Virtual Talent Show is a fun online event where team members can show off their unique talents and hobbies. This could be anything from singing and magic tricks to cooking or poetry. It's a great way for team members to share more about themselves than just their work roles and let their personal interests shine.

Objective: The main goal of the Virtual Talent Show is to celebrate the wide range of talents and hobbies in the team. It’s a chance for everyone to see and appreciate the skills of their colleagues that aren’t usually visible at work. This helps build a more understanding and supportive team culture.

How to Set It Up: It’s easy to organize a Virtual Talent Show. Plan a video call where team members can sign up to show their talents. Make sure the atmosphere is welcoming and supportive, encouraging everyone to join in, no matter what their talent is. You can structure it with set times for each act, or keep it more casual, depending on what your team likes.

Why It Works: The Virtual Talent Show is great for team building because it lets everyone share something special about themselves. Seeing the different talents that aren’t related to work helps team members connect on a more personal level, strengthening their relationships. It also builds respect as everyone appreciates the talents of their teammates. In a remote work setting, where you don’t meet in person often, this kind of event can really help bring the team together, making for memorable moments that last beyond the online show.

People in karaoke bar

10. Remote Karaoke Session

The Remote Karaoke Session is a fun and lively way to bring some music into your virtual workplace. Using a karaoke app or an online platform, team members can sing their favorite songs, alone or with others, while everyone else cheers them on. It turns a regular meeting into a fun musical event, perfect for relaxing and having a good time together.

Objective: The main aim of the Remote Karaoke Session is to create a fun and open atmosphere in the team. Singing together, even online, is a great way to break the ice. It helps everyone feel more comfortable and connected, offering a chance for team members to be themselves and take a break from their work roles.

How to Set It Up: Setting up a Remote Karaoke Session is easy. Pick a karaoke app or platform that’s easy to use for choosing songs and sharing sound. Then plan a virtual meet-up where everyone can come and sing their favorite tunes. It’s a good idea to have a sign-up sheet or a list for the songs to keep it organized. You could also suggest dressing up or picking a theme to make it even more fun.

Why It Works: Remote Karaoke Sessions are great for team building because they encourage natural and friendly interaction. Singing in a supportive environment lets people show their fun side and builds stronger team relationships. It’s also a great way to relieve stress and boost the team’s mood. In remote work, where you don’t get to meet in person much, having activities like this is really important for keeping the team spirit alive and making everyone feel more connected.

Group of friends sharing polaroid photos

11. Photo Sharing Challenge

The Photo Sharing Challenge is a touching and engaging way for team members to share their personal photos based on specific themes. These could be pictures of their favorite holiday spots, treasured family moments, or even their pets. It’s a chance for everyone to share a part of their life outside work, showing interests and experiences they might not usually talk about during work.

Objective: The main goal of this challenge is to help team members connect on a deeper level by sharing personal experiences. When team members see and talk about each other's photos, they learn more about each other's lives. This not only builds empathy and understanding but also strengthens the team’s bond.

How to Set It Up: It’s easy to start a Photo Sharing Challenge. Pick a theme for the photos, then use a digital album or a group chat for everyone to upload their images. You could also have a virtual meeting where everyone shares their photos and the stories behind them, making it more interactive and personal.

Why It Works: This challenge is really effective for teams that work remotely. It gives everyone a peek into each other's lives, which can be hard to see in a virtual workspace. Sharing photos and their stories helps create shared feelings and understanding, building stronger connections. It’s a great way to get to know each other better, breaking down formal barriers and making the team environment more inclusive and supportive.

Scrabble game

12. Online Board Games

Online Board Games night brings the classic board game fun into the virtual world. With a wide range of games available, from strategy and word puzzles to classics like chess or Scrabble, these online games are a great way for teams to interact and have fun together. It’s an easygoing and familiar way to enjoy time with your team, filled with laughs and a bit of friendly competition.

Objective: The main idea behind an Online Board Games night is to get everyone involved in a light-hearted competitive spirit. It gets team members thinking strategically and working together, depending on the game. More than just winning or losing, it’s about building teamwork, improving communication, and sharpening problem-solving skills in a fun setting.

How to Set It Up: It’s pretty straightforward to arrange an Online Board Games night. Start by picking a platform that has a range of board games suitable for groups. Then plan a virtual games night at a time that suits everyone. You can either form small teams or let individuals play against each other, based on the game and team size. Make sure to encourage everyone to join in, no matter how experienced they are with games, so everyone feels included.

Why It Works: Online board games are a fantastic way to build your team because they bring the joy of traditional game nights online. They’re a fun way to get team members to think together and work as a team. Playing these games is also a great break from the usual work routine and can help relieve stress. In a remote work environment, they provide a valuable chance for informal chatting and team bonding. The mix of challenge, strategy, and fun makes online board games popular for teams wanting to strengthen their bonds and work better together.

3 people enjoying coffee at a cafe

13. Virtual Coffee Breaks

Virtual Coffee Breaks are relaxed video calls where team members can talk about anything but work, similar to casual chats by the office coffee machine. It’s a time to grab a coffee or tea and catch up with colleagues on various topics, taking a little break from work tasks.

Objective: The main goal of these coffee breaks is to keep the easygoing conversations going, just like in a regular office. These breaks are key for creating a comfortable and friendly atmosphere among remote team members. They're a chance for everyone to relax, share a laugh, and get to know each other better, all of which help bring the team closer together.

How to Set It Up: Setting up Virtual Coffee Breaks is easy. Plan short, regular video calls that team members can join if they want. You can have some structure, like sharing a fun story or recent experience, or just let the conversation happen naturally. The important thing is to keep it casual and stress-free, focusing on enjoying the break and each other's company.

Why It Works: Virtual Coffee Breaks work well because they recreate the informal, spontaneous chats you have in an office. These kinds of talks are often where the best team bonding happens. For teams working remotely, these virtual breaks are crucial for keeping that personal connection and team spirit alive. They allow team members to show a bit of their life outside of work, which is great for building trust and a sense of togetherness. In remote work, where it’s harder to have these casual interactions, Virtual Coffee Breaks are a great way to keep the team feeling connected and united.

Work desk with lots of stuff on it

14. Guess the Desk

Guess the Desk is a fun game where team members try to figure out who owns which desk using anonymous photos. Everyone takes a picture of their desk with things like family photos, unique stationery, or their favorite coffee mug, and then everyone else has to guess whose desk it is.

Objective: The goal is to share a bit of your everyday workspace in an entertaining way. It lets team members see a slice of each other's personalities and styles through their desk setups. The game adds a bit of mystery and fun, making everyone notice the small, personal details that make each person different.

How to Set It Up: Setting up Guess the Desk is straightforward. Ask everyone to take a picture of their workspace without saying whose it is. Then put all the photos together in one place, like an email, a chat group, or during a video call. Everyone tries to guess who each desk belongs to, which can lead to interesting talks about everyone's workspace choices and habits.

Why It Works: Guess the Desk is a great team building activity because it shows a part of team members’ lives that you don’t usually see when working remotely. When people share and guess about each other's desks, it helps everyone feel more familiar and connected. It’s a simple but effective way to make the team feel closer, creating a warm atmosphere where colleagues feel more a part of each other’s everyday life. Plus, it brings a personal element to remote work, helping everyone feel more real and connected, even through a screen.

People enjoying a contest

15. Meme Sharing Contest

The Meme Sharing Contest is a fun and modern activity where team members create and share memes about work. Using humor and creativity, everyone makes light-hearted images or captions that capture the funny moments or inside jokes in the team or industry. It’s a digital way to get everyone laughing together and feeling more connected through humor.

Objective: The main aim of the contest is to bring the team together through laughter and to spark creativity. It lets team members be playful and imaginative, often leading to everyone laughing together or nodding in agreement about the funnier aspects of work.

How to Set It Up: Starting a Meme Sharing Contest is easy. Create a place online where everyone can post their memes, like a special channel in your team’s communication platform or an online photo album. Encourage everyone to make and share their own memes. You can make it even more fun by having a simple vote to see whose meme is the favorite.

Why It Works: This contest is a great team building activity because humor brings people together. Making and sharing memes lightens the atmosphere and makes everyone feel more at ease. It encourages team members to show their creative and funny sides in a way that everyone can relate to. In remote work, where casual, fun moments can be rare, a Meme Sharing Contest is a perfect way to add some laughs to your workday. It helps everyone bond over shared experiences in a creative way, boosting team spirit and strengthening connections.

Photo shoot with people from different cultural backgrounds

16. Cultural Exchange Day

Cultural Exchange Day is a special activity where team members share and celebrate their different cultures. This could be anything from talking about national holidays and traditional foods to sharing music, dances, or personal stories linked to their cultural backgrounds. It’s all about learning from and appreciating the diverse cultures in the team.

Objective: The goal of Cultural Exchange Day is to honor diversity and foster an inclusive atmosphere in the team. When team members share their cultural backgrounds, they not only teach each other but also grow in respect and understanding for one another. This celebration of different perspectives helps create a more open and caring work environment.

How to Set It Up: Planning Cultural Exchange Day is straightforward. Pick a day for everyone to meet via video call and share something about their culture. Encourage everyone to join in, whether it's with a presentation, a story, showing how to cook a dish, or any other way they’d like to share. You can have a schedule for each person's share, or just let it flow naturally. The important part is to make sure it’s a safe and respectful space for everyone to share and learn.

Why It Works: Cultural Exchange Day is a great team building activity because it really helps everyone understand and appreciate the different backgrounds in the team. In remote work, where team members might be in different places around the world, this day is a great chance to connect and feel like part of a global community. Learning about each other's cultures is enlightening and can help break down any barriers or stereotypes. This leads to a stronger, more united team where everyone's unique background is valued and respected.

Group meditation session

17. Virtual Mindfulness Sessions

Virtual Mindfulness Sessions are calm, online meetings where the team can practice meditation or mindfulness exercises. These sessions provide a tranquil break from the day-to-day work, giving everyone a chance to focus on relaxation and mental clarity. They can be led by a professional instructor or through an app, and include techniques like deep breathing, visualization, or gentle movements to help reduce stress and improve focus.

Objective: The main aim of these sessions is to support the mental health of the team. In the fast-moving and often remote work world, it's important to have time for relaxation and taking care of our minds. These mindfulness exercises are designed to help manage stress, boost concentration, and keep a good balance between work and personal life.

How to Set It Up: Organizing Virtual Mindfulness Sessions is quite straightforward. You can either find a professional to run the sessions or use a meditation app with various exercises. Plan regular sessions, maybe once a week or every two weeks, and invite the team to join a video call. Make sure the sessions are beginner-friendly and create a space where everyone feels comfortable and can relax.

Why It Works: These sessions are really beneficial for teams working remotely. They address a common challenge in remote work, which is managing stress. Having a set time for mindfulness shows that the team's well-being is a priority. These moments to pause, refocus, and recharge can lead to better productivity and a happier work environment. Also, doing these sessions together helps strengthen the team bond, as everyone shares an experience focused on improving personal well-being. This not only helps each person but also helps build a caring and understanding team culture.

Virtual team looking happy


These activities are not only fun, but are also important for making communication more open, encouraging teamwork, and breaking down the formalities often found in work settings. Games like the Virtual Ice Breaker Quiz and Two Truths and a Lie let people share their own stories, helping everyone connect on a deeper level. Others, like the Online Escape Room Challenge and Virtual Mindfulness Sessions, are great for sharpening problem-solving skills, supporting mental health, and keeping everyone focused, all key for a productive team.

In remote work, where it's harder to have those casual, unplanned chats you get in an office, these virtual activities are really valuable. They create a kind of online watercooler, where people can casually connect, which is so important for keeping the team spirit high. They also celebrate the diverse backgrounds in the team, like on Cultural Exchange Day, which helps build a more inclusive and respectful environment. Adding these virtual team building activities to regular meetings or setting specific times for them can really improve how connected and involved everyone on the team feels.

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